Friday, May 5, 2017

Introduction to Becoming History!

Thanks to Jeanie Warden and HCTV for putting together a little show about this approach to teaching.  If you want an introductory overview, here it is!

The classroom footage is of me interpreting Katherine Graham of the Washington Post.

I apparently was having an off day and mixed up some names (hopefully I don't do this very often--I don't usually get to fact check myself on video).  Freeman Tilden:  the man who started the idea of historic interpreters for national parks.  Samuel Tilden:  the man who won the popular election in 1876, but wasn't chosen by the electoral college.  I also crossed my wires when grabbing Sarah Josepha Hale's dress, which was right next to Emma Hart Willard's.  They are both amazing women, so check out the information at