Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome Volunteers! Basic Parameters:

Thank you so much for your interest in this project!

1.  You have been invited to create and deliver a lesson (or more if you would like) teaching as a specific person (living or dead) from history.  There are several options and potential ideas on how to do this.  You do not have to submit any kind of formal lesson plan, although if you have one, I would love to get a copy!

Here is an example inter-disciplinary lesson:  Rachel Carson explains Environmental Interconnectedness.  http://broadwater.helenaschools.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/08/Food-Chain-Rachel-Carson.pdf

2.  You will commit to completing a short survey about your lesson.

3.  Optional (Especially if you have older students and are willing to take the time for additional feedback):  I would like to get feedback from students about their perceptions and experiences during your lesson(s).  I do not have a formal survey form for student feedback as I am looking for more anecdotal responses.  Younger student responses are also welcome!  There is a place on the survey form for teachers to share student comments.

4.  Optional:  I would love some pictures!  Please follow image-release requirements and send me only pictures you would allow me to share/reproduce.


  1. Interested! Medieval world history with 7th graders... potential!
    Hopefully around for MEA, but with a brother & sister in-law (& more importantly a neice!) In Helena, traveling there is an option, too.
    Keep me in the loop!

    1. Ooh! So many options--remember the poet you represented at the Pulse? You already have someone ready to rock! I will certainly post scheduling info!
