Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is this Project About? The Official Bits:

Scope of the Project:  I will research, then create an informational booklet of no more than 20 pages to help teachers of all subjects use first person historical interpretation in their classrooms.  I will share the content of this ‘how-to’ guide at MEA-MFT (2014) in a draft outline form, ask for volunteers to pilot the suggestions, and then present the final product at the conference the following year (2015).  Common Core doesn’t have to be a common bore!

            Why no more than 20 pages?  Because teachers are busy!  This needs to be something easy to read and refer back to--there are several books already available if you want to go crazy on this topic.

Background:  Through the process of developing my timeline costumes and field project, ‘The Year Long Dress’(yearlongdress.blogspot.com), I have realized that my efforts are only reaching my own students, with little impact beyond my classroom walls.  I want to share ideas on how to implement first and third person interpretation as a pedagogical tool and engagement motivator.  I have yet to see any resources and/or suggestions for anyone outside the realm of history or social studies, and most authorities on the subject are focused on professional presentations that are beyond what is practical for a classroom teacher to use on a frequent basis. 

            I am still developing the timeline project, including the constant expansion of my costume and historic figure collection.  Additionally, I will continue working on a blog (timelinecostumes.blogspot.com) that my students and other interested persons can interact with (currently only partway finished as I create a post for each character I represent in class).   

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